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วันจันทร์ที่ 29 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

Off Shore Jobs - Worker Shortage Growing by Julian Gaston

The Off Shore Jobs labor shortage continues to grow, as oil prices head skyward once again.Off Shore Jobs are among the most asked for in the oil and gas industry, and for good reason. It is exciting work, and an adventure. The pay is extreme ( experienced offshore drilling roles can pay upwards of 100k ). Even entry level off shore jobs can pay over 60k. The friendship is like being in the army; your buddy has your back, and you have his. When working off shore jobs, you get to work in new and exotic places. And you get six months off a year to enjoy all these benefits. Most, if not all, off shore jobs come with a good benefits package - health and life assurance, 401k, the works. Off Shore Jobs can be deadly - before you set foot on the rig, you'll have to go through safety coaching and copter survival training. The importance of this coaching can be seen by a recent helicopter crash; the chopper was transporting 19 workers to the offshore rig, and went down. All 19 workers survived. You may find the competition to get a high paying oil rig job is difficult, particularly for entry level positions, but if you know where to send your CV or Resume, and who to talk to, then it all becomes a lot less complicated. The hardest thing about getting off shore jobs is landing the 1st hitch - it seems most bosses want offshore experience more than even oil rig experience. Your best shot is to apply in the flesh, at the onshore managing facility for the offshore rigs. In the US, this could be in Houston, Texas, and Lafourche, Louisiana. If that is not possible, the next best choice is to either find the hiring internet pages of all the offshore drilling contractors yourself and submit your resume, or hire somebody to do it for you. If you have applicable experience in the major trades (welding, electrician, mechanic ), try the Danos Corporation. In the intermediate-long term, the demand for off shore jobs is only going to go up. It's an amazing career, full of adventure and stories that may last a whole life.Julian Gaston is a Freelance Writer, Chef, Webmaster, and Adventurer. For more information on the exciting world of off shore jobs, and how to break into the field, please visit our preferred off shore jobs resource, where you will find much helpful information on off shore jobs and how to get hired for one.

