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How to Perform Umrah? by Dar Al-Islam

How to Perform Umrah? What are the Umrah Rituals?
The following article is an excerpt from Hajj and Umrah According to Quraan and Sunnah, published by Dar A-Islam, a fully-licensed Hajj and Umrah agent in Houston, Texas.
Ritual 1
When performing Umrah, before entering the Holy City of Makkah, you should be in Ihram.
Enter the Holy Sanctuary (al Masjid al Haram), preferably right foot first through the Bab As-Salam gate, reciting the Talbiyah:
'Here I am O Allah, (in response to Your call), here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise, grace and sovereignty belong to You. You have no partner.'
You may then say: "In the name of Allah, may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, forgive me my sins and open to me the doors of Your mercy. I seek refuge in Allah the Almighty and in His Eminent Face and in His Eternal Dominion over the accursed Satan."
When you first see the Holy Kaaba, keep your eyes fixed on this the holiest of all structures in Islam. Standing to one side, proclaim:
"Allahu Akbar" three times. "La ilaha illa'Llah" three times.
Ritual 2
Once you started Ihram, you must verbally proclaim the intention (Niyyah) to perform Umrah, as follows:
"Labbeika Allahomma Umrah", or
"O Allah, I perform Tawaf of Umrah to please You. Make it easy for me and accept it from me."
If this Umrah you are performing on behalf of someone else, you must proclaim it in the Niyyah, for example, you would say:
"Labbeika Allahomma Umrah on behalf of my father, so Allah accept it from me."
Ritual 3
You may now begin your seven circumambula-tions, moving to the right so that you keep the Kaaba to your left, counter-clockwise, around the Kaaba.
When performing the first three circumambula-tions, men may uncover their right arm and move with quick, short steps. (This procedure is called Ramal.) The remaining four circumambulations should be performed at a normal walking pace.
PRAYERS DURING TAWAF: While performing Tawaf, there are no prescribed prayers but there are a number of supplications which are recomm-ended. You may also use the prayers that form part of your daily prayer sessions and pray to Allah in your own way in your own language.
Hijr Ismael: is a semi-circular section which originally formed part of the Kaaba but was not incorporated into the Kaaba when the Kaaba was rebuilt. You should include the Hijr Ismael in your circumambulations.
When you reach the fourth corner of the Kaaba (Rukn Yamani), touch it with your right hand or both hands and, as you walk between Rukn Yamani and the Black Stone, you may pray:
"Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati hasanatan wa qina azabin-nar".
MAQAM IBRAHIM: On completion of the seven circumambulations, you should approach Maqam Ibrahim (the Station of Ibrahim) and offer two short prayers (rakaat). Then, if it is possible, you should return to the Black Stone and touch it.
Ritual 4
You are now ready to perform the Saey, the shuttling between the two hills of Safa and Marwah.
As you approach Safa, you recite the Quranic verse: "Verily, Safa and Marwah are among the shrines of Allah".
You should now ascend Safa and, facing the Kaaba, make whatever supplication you choose. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), when he stood on Safa, proclaimed three times "Laa Ilaha Illa Allah".
You should now proceed towards Marwah, walking at a normal pace until you reach the green marker. Men, if they are able, should run until they reach the next green marker, where-upon they should revert to a normal walking pace until you reach Marwah. Women should proceed throughout at normal walking pace. The area between the two markers is where Haajar used to hear her baby Ishmael crying out of thirst while she was looking for help. She ran whenever she heard his cries. When you stand on Marwah, face the Qibla, and repeat the prayers and supplications you voiced at Safa. You are now ready to make the return journey, walking where you should walk and, if a man, running, if able, where you should run. This is your second passage.
You should now repeat the procedure until you have completed seven passages, ending your Sa'y at Marwah. While performing Sa'y, you should pray to Allah as you wish and recite verses from the Holy Qur'an.
Ritual 5
After completion of Saey, men may shave their heads or shorten/clip their hair. Women should clip their hair one or two centimeters.
If the Umrah is a precursor to performing Hajj, men may not want to shave their heads but merely clip their hair so that there will be enough hair to shave when performing Hajj.
The Umrah rituals are now concluded and the pilgrim may change into every day clothes.
The prohibitions (restrictions) on conduct during Umrah are now ended.
These rituals must be performed in order, whether Umrah is performed before, after, or during Hajj seasons. The Umrah rituals are a s subset of Hajj rituals. Most pilgrims who buy Hajj packages perform both Hajj and Umrah together. Some Hajj and Umrah programs include an adviser. You will not have to make a separate Umrah reservation when you make a Hajj reservation package.

