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วันจันทร์ที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How You Can Become More Confident Easily by Richard Samson

How I was able To Improve Myself at being More Confident
There are moments when all our insecureties, doubts and fears wrap ouselves up and we see friends and wish we had their life. More often than not we think that there are many people are much better off than us when really, most people are feeling the same way about us.
For example, if you notice a beatiful girl or guy sitting alone at a party, casually sipping their wine, you think to yourself "they look so confident, calm and in control". However, if you could actually look into their mind you would see the same amount of bunched up thoughts, some positive, many negative and would be surprised they are thinking "are people looking and talking about me while I sit here alone?...why won't anyone come and talk to me, do they all find me unattractive?" and all sorts of negative thoughts.
Another example is say we see a young business entrepreneur and say "wow, they have everything they want" And what the young man is really thinking is "why won't my friends talk to me, I hope my parents have made up"
This is of course speculation, but it won't be far from the truth. We look at other people and envy them for looking absolutely amazing and living a perfect life, wishing we could exchange places with them. Meanwhile they are thinking exactly the same thing. We are insecure of people who are also insecure. This is because we tend to suffer from lack of self confidence, low self esteem and lose hope in self improvement because we are enveloped in quiet desperation.
Sometimes, you notice that you have an irritating habit like biting off your finger nails, or playing with your hair, and you â€" of all people, is the last to know.
I have a friend who is always talking. Most of the time she is the only one who seems to be talking in these one way conversations and only seems interested in her own life. This leads to all our other friends trying to avoid her when she enters a room. Unfortunately she doesn't realize this is a very bad social handicap which is starting to effect the people in her environment.
One key to self improvement is to Talk and Listen to a friend. Find someone who you find it easy to opening up with even the most awkward topics you want to discuss. Ask questions like “do you think I am ill-mannered?”, “Do I always sound so argumentative?”, “Do I talk too loud?”, “Does my breath smell?”, “Do I ever bore you when were together?”. If you are asking a close trusted friend they are more than likely to know that you are wanting to improve yourself. Once you have asked these sort of questions, let them delve into the answers and be open to their criticisms and comments without giving abrupt answers like "Well that's just the way I am!". Open your heart and mind and in return, you can get the best feedback that you can work on and help improve yourself. You can also give your friend similar feedback if they have similar worries.
There is a song called "Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all" by Whitney Houston. This is quite true. In order to love others, you must love yourself too. Remember, you cannot give what you do not have.
Before telling other people some ways on how to improve themselves, let them see that you yourself is a representation and a product of self improvement. Self improvement makes us better people, we then inspire other people, and then the rest of the world will follow.
You have to stop thinking that you are a second rate citizen. Forget about the thought of "If only I was slimmer or had more money" Accept your true self. This is step one to self improvement. You need to stop comparing yourself to others because you will only find out that there will be 10 reasons to envy them.
Nobody is perfect and We all have our insecurities. We always wish we had better features, better lives, better body parts, etc. But life need not to be perfect for people to be happy about themselves.Self improvement and loving yourself is not a matter of shouting to the whole world that you are perfect and you are the best. It’s the virtue of contentment and acceptance. When we begin to improve ourselves, we then begin to feel happy and content.

