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วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Texas A+ BBB Home Loan Modification Companies | Dallas, Houston, Austin by YourHomestart.com

For A+ BBB Texas Home Loan Modification Companies CLICK HERE
Harris County is the most highly populated county in Texas, and the third most populous county in the United States! Unfortunately, during these tough economic times, it is also being hit hard in the current housing crisis. In August alone, foreclosure filings in Harris County reached a little over 2,400. If you feel like your home might be at risk, call HomeStart. We have an experienced team of loan modification consultants who will help answer any questions you may have, and may be able to help you prevent foreclosure or lower monthly mortgage payments.

Fortunately, there are viable measures residents may take to avoid foreclosure, thanks in part to the federal Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan (HASP) implemented last spring by the Obama administration. With a $75 billion total budget, the plan aims to help a projected four million homeowners over the next three years by reducing monthly interest rates and encouraging borrowers to adopt a loan modification plan.

HomeStart's main purpose in assisting in your loan modification is to lower your monthly mortgage payment while providing you with accurate information regarding your specific situation and full service in setting up a home loan modification before foreclosure has the chance to set in. It is not too late to act!

Loan modification companies that provide A+ BBB rated services have established personal relationships with the largest mortgage lenders to expedite the loan modification process. Contact HomeStart at anytime to discuss your financial hardship, we will listen and maintain the highest level of confidentiality. We have an entire team of experienced loan modification consultants who will help answer any questions you may have, regardless if you pursue a loan modification through HomeStart. We are here to help; start new, not over.

Here is an example of a recent loan modification performed by HomeStart.

Property in San Diego, CA Total monthly savings of $1,132.38/month

* Primary Residence: Loan amount of $298,819 with an interest rate of 5.875% and monthly mortgage payments of$2,445.30. * Modified to: Interest Rate of 3.875% and new monthly mortgage payments of $1,312.92 fixed for 5 years; final interest rate of 5.375% and $1,481.94 monthly payments.

For more information please visit www.YourHomestart.com

Don't Let Gloomy Weather Get You Down. Oregon and Washington are Ideal for Solar Power! by Mike Arnesen

Solar Power generated by photovoltaic solar arrays is a clean, renewable, and eco-conscious energy source that is rapidly growing in popularity. More and more homeowners across the United States are turning to solar to both reduce their home's carbon footprint and deal with rising energy costs. Even as increasing numbers are upgrading to solar power, some Washington and Oregon homeowners are left to wonder if solar power is even viable in the Pacific Northwest amidst the clouds and rain of winter months. Thankfully, the answer is a resounding yes. Currently, there are more than 17,000 Oregon households that are powered with renewable, solar energy and even selling excess energy back to power companies. As it turns out, a number of factors make the Northwest an ideal location for the use of solar power. To find out what makes the Northwest so great for solar, how Oregon homeowners can drastically offset the costs of upgrading, and how to get the most out of solar power I interviewed Certified Solar Integrator Dan Gillespie of Hometown Exterior Designs.
Dan Gillespie is one of a select group of contractors in the Northwest that have embraced solar power. After talking to Dan, it was clear that he has a deep knowledge of solar power and a real passion to spread the message of green, cost-efficient energy production to all homeowners. He explained that as part of a public education program, Hometown Exterior Designs, along with a few other solar contractors, will come out to interested homeowners, providing them with a free energy audit to assess their home's energy needs, estimate the costs of a solar project, and to predict their eligibility for tax credits and other savings.
In our interview, Dan proved to me that the Pacific Northwest is an ideal place for solar power. According to the US Department of Energy, the Pacific Northwest's largest solar facility receives as much sun as Houston, Texas. I was surprised to learn that the Pacific Northwest receives as much sun as the national average and, in Southern and Eastern Oregon and areas of Washington, up to 30 percent more. Furthermore, Oregon gets considerably more sun that Germany, which is currently considered the world leader in solar energy. Aside from getting more than enough sunshine to power homes and businesses, Mr. Gillespie explained that Oregon's cooler temperatures are in fact ideal for solar power systems; like the majority of electrical devices, photovoltaic solar arrays work more efficiently at cooler temperatures and generate significantly more power than in hotter climes. This is because the key component of solar energy production is UV light, not heat. Even though there can be reduced power output in cloudy weather, the photovoltaic solar panels will still generate ample power, as the UV rays that the panels convert into energy still penetrate the clouds.
Beyond saving you money every month through generating power, Dan showed me that upgrading your home to solar has an additional monetary incentive available in the State of Oregon. The excess energy that your home solar system generates can be fed back into the power grid and become a credit to your energy account. During the times when your home solar system isn't generating the required power to satisfy your demand (eg. When you are cooking dinner, doing the laundry, using televisions and computers simultaneously, etc.) you can use that credit to power your home. Your solar panels generate credit even while you're at work! Washington, hopefully will consider similar legislation in the future.
Because solar allows you to generate as much energy as you need and even store excess energy as a credit*, there is an amazing return on investment. That return improves even further with cash incentives from the Energy Trust of Oregon and energy tax credits from the State of Oregon. After Dan explained the specifics of the credits and incentives, I was amazed to learn that Oregon residents who take advantage of these opportunities can cover up to 85% of the cost! The Energy Trust of Oregon alone offers $1.50 to $1.75 per watt generated. Even local power companies offer incentives; Portland General Electric offers $1.75 per watt and Pacific Power pays $1.25 per watt. With the Oregon Residential Energy Tax Credit (RETC) you can earn a tax credit of $2 per watt up to $6,000 and claim $1,500 of that per year. Additionally, both Oregon and Washington homeowners can qualify for an Investment Tax Credit from the Federal government for up to 30 percent of the cost of your system after rebates. Companies like Hometown Exterior Designs can even help you get pre-approved for tax credits and incentives beforehand so you know that your costs are covered. Between generating your own power, accumulating credit with the power company, and cashing in on huge incentives and tax credits, you can recoup the initial cost of investment in a couple of years.
After my interview with Dan, I believe that even in today's economy upgrading to solar energy in the Pacific Northwest has never been more urgent as it is affordable and environmentally critical. It is the smart way to conserve both money and natural resources. From a financial standpoint, installing a photovoltaic solar energy system on your Pacific Northwest home today will significantly reduce your energy bills and, with the help of state and Federal tax credits and incentives, it will allow you to make a sizable investment in your home at a fraction of the cost. These incentives might expire in the future and a complete understanding of how to access them will ensure your optimum savings. Companies like Hometown Exterior Designs or resources like the Renewal Northwest Project can help you find your way through the state and Federal red tape.
A solar energy system also adds value to your home; Dan indicated that on average, the resale value of your home increases by as much as the full cost of your system. From an environmental standpoint, going solar allows you to reduce your home’s carbon footprint by eliminating dependence on fossil fuel burning power plants, a leading (if not THE leading) cause of global warming. For Oregon and Washington homeowners who are interested in making an investment with a high return and saving the planet for generations to come, going solar is the only choice.
I really appreciate Dan taking the time to sit down with us to explain why solar power is a viable, affordable, and smart option for Northwest homeowners. To find out more about solar power and how you can upgrade your home, you can visit Hometown Exterior Designs' Solar Page or visit the Energy Trust of Oregon to find a certified solar contractor in your area.

วันจันทร์ที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

SUPREME COURT CHANGES CONFESSION LANDSCAPE Pt. 2 by Houston Criminal Attorney John Floyd and Paralegal Billy Sinclair

But in 1981 the court in Edwards v. Arizona decided to slow the judicial march against Miranda. 5/ In that case the defendant had been arrested and read his Miranda rights. He requested an attorney and the police stopped interrogating him. But a different set of detectives from the same police department returned the following day and started up a new interrogation. The defendant confessed to the crimes he was suspected of committing during this second interrogation. The state and lower federal courts upheld the confession. The Supreme Court disagreed, making three significant findings: 1) that after the defendant asserted his right to silence/counsel and the police returned to question him and secured a confession without providing him with counsel, the confession could not be used against him; 2) that the defendant did not waive his right to counsel because there was no finding that he understood the right sufficient enough to have knowingly relinquished it; and 3) that once defendant asserted his right to counsel there could be no further interrogations without the benefit of counsel, unless the defendant initiated additional communications with the police.
Four years after the Edwards decision, the Supreme Court in Jackson effectively imported the Miranda/Edwards Fifth Amendment right to silence into the Sixth Amendment's right to counsel by saying that a request for counsel at arraignment should be considered as an invocation of the right "at every critical stage of the prosecution." Moreover, Jackson created a highly-criticized presumption of an involuntary waiver of counsel "based on the supposition that suspects who assert their right to counsel are unlikely to waive that right voluntarily" in subsequent interactions with the police. 6/ Jackson effectively established a "bright-line" rule that once a criminal defendant is represented by counsel, the State cannot under any circumstances re-approach him/her requesting that he/she waive their right to counsel and consent to additional interrogation.
In 1990 the Supreme Court followed up the Edwards and Jackson decisions with Minnick v. Mississippi. 7/ In that case Robert Minnick and a fellow prisoner escaped from a county jail in Mississippi. They later broke into a mobile home and killed two of the residents in it. When arrested, Minnick requested and was allowed to speak with an attorney. Not satisfied, the FBI and state investigators pressured Minnick to waive his rights to silence/counsel. Minnick resisted the pressure but eventually submitted to the interrogations without an attorney and made incriminating statements. The Supreme Court held that Minnick's Fifth Amendment right to silence was not terminated simply because he had consulted with an attorney. The court said that once Minnick requested counsel, all interrogations had to cease and could not be reinstated outside the presence of counsel.
Both Edwards and Minnick were instrumental in the Supreme Court's decision to effectively overrule Jackson in Montejo. This was made clear by the court's language in Montejo:
"Which brings us to the strength of Jackson's reasoning. When this Court creates a prophylactic rule in order to protect a constitutional right, the relevant 'reasoning' is the weighing of the rule's benefits against its costs. 'The value of any prophylactic rule ... must be assessed not only on the basis of what is gained, but also on the basis of what is lost.' We think that the marginal benefits of Jackson (viz., the number of confessions obtained coercively that are suppressed by its bright-line rule and would otherwise have been admitted) are dwarfed by its substantial costs (viz., hindering 'society's compelling interest in finding, convicting, and punishing those who violate the law ...').
"What does Jackson actually achieve by way of preventing unconstitutional conduct? Recall that the purpose of the rule is to preclude the State from badgering defendants into waiving their previously asserted rights. The effect of this badgering might be to coerce a waiver, which would render the subsequent interrogation a violation of the Sixth Amendment. Even though involuntary waivers are invalid even apart from Jackson, mistakes are of course possible when courts conduct case-by-case voluntariness review. A bright-line rule like that adopted in Jackson ensures that no fruits of interrogation made possible by badgering-induced involuntary waivers are ever erroneously admitted at trial.
"But with Jackson, how many would be? The answer is few if any. The principal reason is that the Court has already taken substantial other, overlapping measures toward the same end. Under Miranda's prophylactic protection of the right against compelled self incrimination, any suspect subject to custodial interrogation has the right to have a lawyer present if he so requests, and to be advised of that right. Under Edwards' prophylactic protection of the Miranda right, once such a defendant 'has invoked the right to have counsel present,' interrogation must stop. And under Minnick's prophylactic protection of the Edwards right, no subsequent interrogation may take place until counsel is present, 'whether or not the accused has consulted with his attorney.'
"The three layers of prophylaxis are sufficient. Under the Miranda-Edwards-Minnick line of cases (which is not in doubt), a defendant who does not want to speak to the police without counsel present need only say as much when he is first approached and given the Miranda warnings. At that point, not only must the immediate contact end, but 'badgering' by later requests is prohibited. If that regime suffices to protect the integrity of 'a suspect's voluntary choice not to speak outside his lawyer's presence before his arraignment,' it is hard to see why it would not also suffice to protect that same choice after arraignment, when the Sixth Amendment rights have attached. And if so, then Jackson is simply superfluous." 8/
Lawyers for Montejo had argued in the state courts and before the Supreme Court that Jackson was designed to protect both the defendant's Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights-silence and counsel-throughout the accusatory process while Edwards-Minnick apply only to custodial interrogations. The court dismissed this distinction by saying that a suspect not in custody is in complete control of his situation. He can get up and walk out of a police interview at any point. The court then pointed out that Jackson was "policy driven," and since the policy against coerced confessions could be adequately protected by the Miranda-Edwards-Minnick prophylactic rules, there was no constitutional need to maintain the Jackson protection. In fact, the court said Jackson's per se exclusionary rule of incriminating statements obtained absent the presence of counsel actually served to let guilty and dangerous criminals go free even though they had been adequately and properly Mirandized. The court said it had reached the point where it was no longer willing to accept the substantial costs that Jackson imposed on "the truth-seeking process and the criminal justice system" in order to prevent a handful of possibly coerced confessions. 9/
The court, however, did not completely slam the door on Montejo. It said he deserved an "opportunity" to show that the letter of apology he wrote to Patricia Lewis when he accompanied the police to the local lake after having been appointed counsel was inadmissible evidence under the Edwards rule, provided he could show that he made a "clear assertion of the right to counsel" when the police asked him to accompany them to the lake. The rest of his incriminating statements, however, were fair game for the jury.
Law enforcement officials and prosecutors embraced the Montejo decision. They have been dissatisfied with both Miranda and Jackson for some time. Montejo proved to be the right case to remove the Jackson prohibition preventing the police from trying to get a suspect to waive his right to counsel after counsel has been appointed. Montejo has been found guilty of a brutal murder. He is under a death sentence. A strict application of Jackson would have barred any references Montejo made about the murder weapon supposedly being thrown in the lake and his letter of apology to Patricia Lewis-both of which were critical to the prosecution to overcome the conflicting versions of the crime he had made in his previous seven statements. Absent the letter of apology and references to the murder weapon, a jury may not have returned a death penalty verdict.
While as the Supreme Court pointed out the overruling of Jackson will not have any significant impact on the experienced, sophisticated criminal defendant who understand the custodial interrogation process, it will strip away a significant constitutional safeguard for the inexperienced and mentally challenged suspects who actually make up most of those arrested for suspected criminal wrongdoing. We believe the loss of the Jackson bright-line protections will lead to an increased number of false confessions. Many criminal defendants will waive their right to counsel, agree to additional custodial interrogations and "tell them" what they want to hear in an effort to please prosecutors and law enforcements officials in hopes of minimizing their exposure to prosecution.
Tragically, Montejo put another nail in the coffin of the age-old axiom that it is better that a hundred guilty men go free than one innocent man be convicted. Montejo reversed the axiom: better one hundred innocent men be convicted than one guilty man go free.
1/ 475 U.S. 625 (1986) 2/ 384 U.S. 436 (1966) 3/ 417 U.S. 433 (1974) 4/ 487 U.S. 387 (1977) 5/ 454 U.S. 477 (1981) 6/ 475 U.S. at 633-35 7/ 498 U.S. 146 (1990) 8/ 173 L.Ed.2d 955, 968 (2009) 9/ 173 L.Ed.2d at 968
NOTE: The background facts of the Montejo crime gleaned from the Louisiana Supreme Court decision denying his direct appeal on January 16, 2008 in Case No. 86-KA-1887.
By: Houston Criminal Defense Attorney John Floyd and Paralegal Billy Sinclair

How You Can Become More Confident Easily by Richard Samson

How I was able To Improve Myself at being More Confident
There are moments when all our insecureties, doubts and fears wrap ouselves up and we see friends and wish we had their life. More often than not we think that there are many people are much better off than us when really, most people are feeling the same way about us.
For example, if you notice a beatiful girl or guy sitting alone at a party, casually sipping their wine, you think to yourself "they look so confident, calm and in control". However, if you could actually look into their mind you would see the same amount of bunched up thoughts, some positive, many negative and would be surprised they are thinking "are people looking and talking about me while I sit here alone?...why won't anyone come and talk to me, do they all find me unattractive?" and all sorts of negative thoughts.
Another example is say we see a young business entrepreneur and say "wow, they have everything they want" And what the young man is really thinking is "why won't my friends talk to me, I hope my parents have made up"
This is of course speculation, but it won't be far from the truth. We look at other people and envy them for looking absolutely amazing and living a perfect life, wishing we could exchange places with them. Meanwhile they are thinking exactly the same thing. We are insecure of people who are also insecure. This is because we tend to suffer from lack of self confidence, low self esteem and lose hope in self improvement because we are enveloped in quiet desperation.
Sometimes, you notice that you have an irritating habit like biting off your finger nails, or playing with your hair, and you â€" of all people, is the last to know.
I have a friend who is always talking. Most of the time she is the only one who seems to be talking in these one way conversations and only seems interested in her own life. This leads to all our other friends trying to avoid her when she enters a room. Unfortunately she doesn't realize this is a very bad social handicap which is starting to effect the people in her environment.
One key to self improvement is to Talk and Listen to a friend. Find someone who you find it easy to opening up with even the most awkward topics you want to discuss. Ask questions like “do you think I am ill-mannered?”, “Do I always sound so argumentative?”, “Do I talk too loud?”, “Does my breath smell?”, “Do I ever bore you when were together?”. If you are asking a close trusted friend they are more than likely to know that you are wanting to improve yourself. Once you have asked these sort of questions, let them delve into the answers and be open to their criticisms and comments without giving abrupt answers like "Well that's just the way I am!". Open your heart and mind and in return, you can get the best feedback that you can work on and help improve yourself. You can also give your friend similar feedback if they have similar worries.
There is a song called "Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all" by Whitney Houston. This is quite true. In order to love others, you must love yourself too. Remember, you cannot give what you do not have.
Before telling other people some ways on how to improve themselves, let them see that you yourself is a representation and a product of self improvement. Self improvement makes us better people, we then inspire other people, and then the rest of the world will follow.
You have to stop thinking that you are a second rate citizen. Forget about the thought of "If only I was slimmer or had more money" Accept your true self. This is step one to self improvement. You need to stop comparing yourself to others because you will only find out that there will be 10 reasons to envy them.
Nobody is perfect and We all have our insecurities. We always wish we had better features, better lives, better body parts, etc. But life need not to be perfect for people to be happy about themselves.Self improvement and loving yourself is not a matter of shouting to the whole world that you are perfect and you are the best. It’s the virtue of contentment and acceptance. When we begin to improve ourselves, we then begin to feel happy and content.

Rose Gold Ring - Precious Jewelry Collectibles by Sally H

Rose gold is created when a trace of copper is added to gold. One part copper and three parts gold gives the metal that coveted pink hue. Rose gold presents soft and romantic image. They become the choices for many couples searching for bridal jewelry.
Rose gold ring is one of the favorite collectibles for woman. The ring is constructed from rose gold. It carries different styles and designs. The ring is pairing up with many types of stones like diamonds and amethyst. It is the luxury gift for woman.
Rose gold ring is a stunning and attractive jewelry for woman. Woman who loves copper jewelry definitely will like rose gold ring. There are many types of rose gold ring collection developed by jewelry manufacturer every year. These rings are offered with different theme, designs and prices.
Rose gold ring is a precious collectibles for everyone. There are many types of rose gold rings for you to choose in the market. Each ring is claims to be better than another. Each ring presents its own style and charm.
14K Contemporary Rose Gold Ring
This rose gold ring comes with modern and contemporary design. The ring measures 4.0mm width. The total weight of this rose gold ring is 4.81 grams. The ring perfectly matches with all kind of stones. There are 18 princess cut diamonds carved at both side of the ring.
14K Blue Topaz Rose Gold Ring
This marvelous rose gold ring is constructed from 14K rose gold. The ring looks simple but elegance. It features one full cut 11mm luxury red topaz. Red topaz perfectly matches the color and the structure of the ring. The weight of topaz is 6.8 carat.
14K Yellow Tourmaline Rose Gold Ring
This is a 14K rose gold ring too. The ring attached with one round cut tourmaline in prong setting. The tourmaline stone is surrounded by 30 shining square cut diamonds. The weight of tourmaline stone is 1.22 carat. The weight of 30 square cut diamonds is 0.39 carat.
14K Rose Gold Amethyst And Hot Pink Sapphire Ring
This red amethyst rose gold ring is constructed from 14K rose gold too. The ring features one cushion cut 11mm red amethyst stone. The red amethyst stone makes the ring looks amazing and attractive. The amethyst stone is surrounded by 22 round cut pink diamonds.
Learn more about rose gold ring. Stop by Sally Houston's site where you can find out all about rose gold rings and what it can do for you.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Our First Peak Oil Recession by Chris Nelder

Why Oil Prices May Never Rise Above $150
One of the most bedeviling problems for oil producers (and oil investors) is knowing when it's too cheap to keep producing, and when it's too expensive to sell.
Last year gave us new boundaries: $147 a barrel was too expensive, and $33 was too cheap. But those aren't terribly useful numbers in the real world.
We now know that $147 was extra-inflated by too much money sloshing into the sector, and $33 was extra-deflated by the fear and confusion that dominated all markets in December of last year. It's likely that tighter regulation of the oil futures market will tamp down the former, and the latter will not be seen again. . . so long as the world banking system continues to beg, borrow, and steal its way to stability and "full faith and credit."
If you're a Chevron trying to decide if you should plunk down another $5 billion for a big new deepwater platform, or a marginal producer of oil from unconventional sources where the production cost is high, you'll find it hard to commit to new projects with price volatility like that.
One way to get a handle on the question is to look at the supply side costs. As I wrote in March, the current cost of new production in the few places in the world where oil production can still be increased ranges from $60-$75 a barrel, and the average minimum is around $65. The more extreme and marginal projects we'll be eyeing in ten years' time will need closer to $100 a barrel to pay off.
But prices on the demand side of the equation are harder to gauge. Our First Peak Oil Recession
Several presenters at the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) conference two weeks ago used measures of GDP to express the economy's tolerance limit for high oil prices.
Murphy changed the time scale from years to months at the end of the chart to demonstrate how the portion of GDP paying for oil last year spiked and crashed as much in 12 months as it did in 4-5 years during the most recent recessions.
Steven Kopits, Managing Director of Douglas-Westwood LLC, came to similar conclusions in his presentation. He noted how oil stopped responding to price signals in 2004, with production remaining basically flat even as prices tripled. The global oil supply only expanded by 2% while global GDP grew 17%, causing prices to increase by about 25% per year from 2003 on.
By 2008, when crude expenditures reached 4% of GDP, the U.S. fell into recession. In fact, said Kopits, oil over $80 would have been enough on its own to cause what he called "our first peak oil recession."
Former head of exploration and production for Saudi Aramco Sadad al-Husseini opined similarly in his interview with ASPO, saying that the spending ceiling is between 5% and 6% of global GPD. Accordingly, he thinks alternatives to petroleum like Arctic oil, coal- and gas-to-liquids, and so on may not be economical to develop because their costs are too high.
In essence, OECD countries are simply getting squeezed out of the market as the global drivers of demand shift to the developing world. When the cost of filling the tank on an SUV goes from $60 to $100, it really takes a bite out of consumption in America. But your average resident of, say, India or the Philippines can shrug off a 50-cent increase in the cost of filling the tank on his scooter, because he gets so much more economic value from the transportation.
Kopits believes that $70 oil is enough to effectively lock out the EU from the oil market, and $75 locks out the U.S. This begins to explain how, as independent oil producer Jeffrey Brown observed in his presentation, the U.S. was outbid by Kenya for oil last year.
On a related note, ASPO analyst Dave Cohen made a convincing argument that economic fundamentals will not support increased oil demand - even from China - for years to come, ensuring that global GDP growth remains weak.
In counterpoint, Matthew Simmons asserted that we don't yet know the economy's tolerance point, and thought it could be as high as $500-$700 a barrel.
This is where I must make my departure from Simmons' camp. The data presented on GDP and price at the conference have forced me to reconsider my longstanding belief that peak oil will bring much higher prices. Although prices 5 to 10 years from now, when we're well past the peak and into decline, remain an open question. . . I now doubt that we'll see oil over $150 anytime soon.
A Narrow Ledge
If these analyses are correct, then we are on what Kopits called "a narrow ledge": Houston needs $75 oil to keep drilling, but the economy goes into recession with oil at $80.
Two editors of "The Oil Drum" generally concurred. Nate Hagens put the boundaries a bit wider at $60 to keep drilling and $80-$100 as the economic pain tolerance point, and Gail Tverberg observed that oil at $75-$80 seems to kick off a recession.
If the stability of oil production relies on oil spending staying within roughly 4% and 5% of GDP, it's going to be dicey. But if the oil price ledge is only $5 wide, then it's not clear to me whether the global GDP can manage to stay on it.
In short, the world may not be able to continue executing the expensive oil projects of the future at all. The tension between the price of new production and the pain tolerance of the global economy may be resolved not by stable prices, but by a failure to bring new supply online.
This is indeed a crisis - but it's also a hint that it's time to focus on how we're going to replace oil.
Take it from Sadad al-Husseini: "The hidden opportunity may be efficiency and conservation."
The investment community has already heard that message. At the ASPO conference this year, I estimate that not one of the roughly 400 attendees represented development capital, while at a typical Cleantech Forum in San Francisco, at least half of the 1,500 or so attendees are with banks, VCs, and big hedge funds. Granted, the ASPO conferences are about information, not deal-making. . . Still, investors seem to prefer theses based on abundance to those based on scarcity.
It only makes sense. If you had a large chunk of capital to deploy in the energy space, would you rather try to balance on a narrow ledge, or jump into a sector that's growing at 30% per year - with no ceiling in sight - and the wind of oil depletion at its back?
Efficiency and conservation may not be as sexy as solar and wind, but for the next several decades they will be the only real way to survive a future of volatile oil and gas prices and declining supply. It takes a long time to rebuild an infrastructure. . . and in the meantime, we're going to have to make do with what we've got.
In the pursuit of investment capital, cleantech clearly has the edge over oil now.
Until next time,
P.S. Chris continues this article as Part 2 of a series of reports from the 2009 ASPO Peak Oil Conference. See also Part 1.
This article was originally found here: Our First Peak Oil Recession

Houston Advertising Online by houstonopolis

Houstonopolis.Com is an online business directory that offers a wide spectrum of online marketing options for small to mid-sized businesses in the Houston area. Our comprehensive business listings create a web-presence for clients who do not already have one, and enhances it for those who do. We offer website design and hosting, SEO optimization, and print media design - including logos, business cards, and flyers. By combining our extensive knowledge of Internet marketing and website design, we are able to offer affordable advertising solutions, that lead to a noticeable increase in website traffic and revenue.
Advertising your business on our website is as easy as 1-2-3! We have several options to choose from including FREE listings for a year! We can also customize any part of our website to fit your needs. Please ask a consultant about our custom packages. 281-656-2700.
Houstonopolis.Com prides itself in perfection. We craft marketing solutions for our clients that are results-driven and only offer options we feel will help grow your business. We combine search-optimized web listing with other Internet and print options, that are cohesive and effective. Our marketing services include: Web-listings, Web-site Design & Hosting, Search Engine Optimization, Email Marketing, and Print Design. We hope to hear from you soon!

Attorney Questions and Answers by lawfaq

What type of severance offer should I expect?I was wronfully terminated from a HUGE retailer and got an attorney after the lies they told at the unemployment hearing. She sent an intent to sue letter and their response is they acknowledge the sexual harassment but not the discriminatory hiring practices. (I have witnesses) The GM of the store.What was the court case that said: Courts would appoint you a judge if you cannot afford one?Gideon v. Wainwright It was not Miranda. In Miranda, the court held a defenfant had to be told of his rights. Gideon holds that a defendant gets a attorney if he cannot afford one. See the movie Gideon's Trumpet, with.What's it called when u have an attorney reppersent u for free?How would i look up, or what are they called, when an attorney will take ur case for free? it's called doing a case 'pro bono'. that's latin and it's short for 'pro bono publico' which means for the good of the public. - Pro bono -.What's the difference in filing a claim with EEOC or filing a lawsuit with an attorney?I've already filed a claim through EEOC. Should I hire a lawyer too? The EEOC has sent a letter to me talking about mediation which I will probably do, however, should I have a lawyer present for that? Any info. on this will.What's your opinion?8 attorney generals have petitioned my space.com to release the names of registered child perverts & they have refused, saying it violates their privacy contracts.. who do you think its right?. doris p I have issues with registered sex offenders trolling on myspace. IMHO it violates the conditions they are registered under. If they refuse, they.When a police officer violate your rights .where can i report to ?I studied this. Go to internal affairs and complain to them. Then the whole precinct will go under investigation. - A lawyer. Can't goto the police now can ya? - police station lol - Your attorney. - how did a police officer violate your rights?.When an attorney requests that the judge in a case be changed, is there a special name for this motion?Just as there is a 'motion for a change of venue' and a 'motion to dismiss' a case altogether, is there also a specific name for a motion to change judges? Thank you, Henrietta Also, under a motion to.When declaring bankruptcy can I get a public lawyer to represent me for free?it ain't criminal! you may be able to not pay anybody else, but you can be sure you will have to pay your attorney (and a good one will earn his/her$) - Only if you are a defendant. Bankruptcy court charges a fee however..When is the right time to get an atty if a woman is claiming to be pregnant with your child?You should already have one. - immediately. - As soon as possible! - Now. An attorney can force her to get a paternity test. - Ummm.now? Just make sure you get a court-ordered DNA test. Whodadaddy? - As.When on workmans comp can an employer cancel or stop your health insurance and make you take cobra?If you are on worker's comp, you need to contact a worker's comp attorney immediately and inform him or her what is currently happening to you. Each state has its own statutes regarding worker's comp, you need an expert in.When Subpoena can I ask the attorney who subpoened me to pay for my time?I have recently received a subpoena from an attorney in a court case. The case involves two neighbors that are disputing a property line. They are calling me out because I inspected a leaky water heater for the one client 2 years ago. That's.When you sue someone, can you sue for the attorney fees also?If you sue someone, can you sue them for the attorney fees also? Say $1500-$2000 Tecnically, you are filing a complaint. If you prevail you can ask the court to award you your attorney fees in addition to any damages that you were able to prove. If.Where can I find a low cost attorney that will help me get visitation of my 2 boys?Houston,Tx. - Family law - Divorce not yet finalized, violating visitation in divorce degree. Dear Friend, I can understand your problem. I will suggest you to take help from USALegalCare.com. They have the best attorneys for Just $1 a Day. I.Where can I find the best lawyer? I was in a car accident?I was riding my motorcyle nicely and some idiot old person slams right into me, I feel like I am going to die can't breath ect. I went to the hospital ect. broken ribs, chipped spinal cord.. I am just looking for an attorney now. I.Where do I find the law of confidentiality that preists must follow?Religious traditional law not American Jurisprudence Is this what you mean? privileged communication n. statements and conversations made under circumstances of assured confidentiality which must not be disclosed in court. These include communications between husband and wife, attorney and client, physician or therapist and patient, and.Where do I research my divorce attorney's track record?Hi all, I am about to retain an attorney, but I want to find out how well he's done in previous divorce cases that have gone to court. I'm expecting a nasty fight from my ex (alcoholic) and he will spend any amount of money to win this, so I.Who knows whats a decent price for a traffic attorney?i'm not sure what a 'traffic attorney' would be. an attorney that handles traffic violations? Usually it's not worth your money to hire an attorney for a traffic ticket. That being said, if it's something like a DUI, there are many attorneys that will do that. Otherwise, you'll.Who thinks this judge/attorney filing a lawsuit against the dry cleaners is just disgusting?This guy has an issue with his ego and it's not right what he's putting this family through, over a pair of pants..Its very sad and I feel kind of sorry for him, but also would like to tell him off.. This judge is what.Why do attorney's where suits to court?What's wrong with wearing blue jeans, togas, sweats, etc. . . ? What does an attorney's wardrobe have to do with the case? Because wearing a suit reinforces that there is a right and wrong in society. Of course this is an illusion propogated by those in power. But, most attorney's have.Why do people assume it is ok to just drop by an attorney's office without an appointment?People don't do this to doctors. What is a nice way of saving you need an appointment like everybody else. I don't need smart hiney answers I have enough of them myself. Thanks. 'I'm so sorry but you must understand that on.Why do people get mad when they call for an apt with an attorney when you can't give them one for the next dayPeople get mad when you say it will be 2 weeks or more and they get mad when you explain he is in court he is in trial prep he is in trial. If it.Why does the city of park ridge, illinois municipality on its website not indicate who is its city attorney?the city of park ridge city hall paralegal and its police personnel do not want to identify its city attorney. why? the website for the municipality is silent on its city attorney? allow me to ask you a question in.Why does the FDA approve drugs like vioxx,recall them after people become ill from them ?Why are they approved in the first place ? There is always an 'ambulance chaser' attorney with melodramatic commecials regarding this. Because the FDA does not look at the long term side effects of drugs. They try to find some sort of drug.does a district attorney have more power over a judge in a ruling?No - no, the final decision is up to the judge - Heck no judge have decision to overpower them - No. The judge runs the court room. The DA can be held in contempt by the judge. Only way to reverse judge rulings are.Why isn't NAMBLA illegal??Ask a liberal. Ask Ruth Bader Ginsburgh. Ask an ACLU attorney. - simple answer The ACLU The most anti american group of retards on the palent - I thought it was. - Because they and their partner, the ACLU, give millions to the Democrat Party each election. NAMBLA, ACLU, & THE DEMOCRAT PARTY SUPPORT.Why would a lawyer want power of attorney over a patient in a nursing home?We are very suspicious of this lawyer's request to get power of attorney for a mentally ill aunt. What would be his benefit for doing this? He is very insistant on this matter and has called several family members. She has not previously needed.Will a judge usually grant someone an extension of time in a probate case?Its a guardianship of the estate case. I am supposed to file an accounting before my hearing but I am not sure how to do that. I am going to have to get an attorney to assist me. Can I go to the hearing and.Will the EEOC provide me with a attorney since i have a case and no money?The first answer is correct. I'd add that you don't need a lawyer if the EEOC pursues your case. I handle a lot of EEOC complaints and don't recall any in which the employee had counsel. - The EEOC doesn't provide anyone.With an attorney how do you fight a hit and run case, with no physical evidence and alibi?I have had the judge only trial, aquitted of the careless driving charge, had my employer testify, and time cards showing alibi, no one has viewed the vehicle, the sentencing is this week, the judge's sentencing has not occurred, but once.Would an expert witness bother to set up a consultation with my attorney if he didn't think there was a case?I was wondering if anyone might know whether or not the expert witness surgeon that looked at my medical records would bother to set up a consultation with my attorney if he didn't think there was a case?.341 Bankruptcy Question.What paperwork do I need to bring?I have a 341 meeting for a chapter 7 case on June 14th. Ive filed bankruptcy without an attorney so I don't know what paperwork I need to bring with me. I contacted the trustees office who's handling it and they said they would need 2 months of bank statements.
More Attorney questions please visit : LawFreeFAQ.com

วันพุธที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Criminal Law Attorney Significant Hint by Deepak Kulkarni

Are you searching for information related to criminal law attorney or other information somehow related to mount criminal defense attorney, or theft lawyer? If yes, this article will give you helpful insights related to criminal law attorney and even somehow related to automobile lemon law and houston dui lawyers that you might not have been aware of.
There are many more television shows about criminal law than civil law. This is because what is most at stake, a person's liberty and freedom, is much more dramatic.
In my opinion, an online search is the best method to find an attorney. There are numerous websites on law firms or attorneys. An online search can save your time and money, and you can easily evaluate the experience and background of the attorney. If you've been charged with any crime, a criminal law attorney is someone you should consider working with throughout your case. Many people think of an attorney representing defendants only during a trial, but criminal law attorneys actually perform a wide range of services from the beginning of a case until the conclusion of the case. Because criminal law is a complex subject, anyone thinking about representing themselves in court should seriously reconsider that decision. An experienced criminal law attorney has the body of knowledge and the courtroom experience needed to build the best possible defense for your criminal case.
According to our judicial system, everyone is innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The job of a criminal defense attorney is to keep their clients from being proven the latter. If you are put in such a situation, a local attorney is typically your best choice. A Portland criminal defense attorney, for example, is expected to have an understanding of Portland's laws better than an attorney from Miami.
Unlike many people out there, don't forget that even if this article related to criminal law attorney doesn't cover all the basics you wanted, you can always take a look at any of the search engines.For more criminal law attorney related information.
Attorney's Role: A criminal defense attorney plays a vital role in directing and presenting the case in such a manner that the benefit of doubt will be in favor of the accused there by reducing the severity of punishments. Questioning witnesses in the court is a source of information. He negotiates with the prosecutor for reducing the punishments and there by the sentence.
For instance, if a criminal attorney knows his client is guilty, then he is, in fact, helping that client to get off Scott free for a crime he committed against society. If a District Attorney is processing cases or asking for plea deals in cases he believes the defendant is innocent or later finds out the defendant is innocent yet continues the process, then, in fact, he is guilt of a crime and violating the public trust? Well, the District Attorney probably does it for conviction ration numbers incase he wants to run for the higher office later and the Criminal Defense Attorney, well they do it for the money. However, who is worse, they are both manipulating the system, one serves the interests of his guilty client in this case and the other is supposedly serving the people. Yet, why do we allow either of these situations at all?
If your situation was that you had no other go but to defend against someone attacking you, and you feared that they are going to do bodily harm, then your criminal attorney should prove in the court that you believed that the force you used was necessary in order to protect yourself from the other person, who was going to cause you harm or even may have caused you death.
Many people looking for information about criminal law attorney also looked online for fort criminal attorney, fathers rights, and even best criminal defense attorney.

วันอังคารที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

This Is Definitely Not It For Michael Jackson by Peter Harke

Even after his death Michael Jackson is still making news around the world. His latest single "This Is It" which features backing vocals by Michael's brothers has started streaming and playing across radios internationally.
"This Is It" will be available to purchase as part of the two disc album set This Is It. This album is due to hit shelves on October 27 to coincide with the release of the Michael Jackson movie of the same name on October 28.
The co-producer of the album, John McClain said "This song only defines, once again, what the world already knows - that Michael is one of God's greatest gifts".
Sony Pictures Entertainment has announced that the first 24 hours of pre-sales for the new movie resulted in record-breaking sales throughout the world. It is believed that no other movie in history has generated so many advanced ticket sales as This Is It has.
It has been reported that in North America extraordinary demand for the film has resulted in hundreds of show times being sold out after only one day of pre-sales. In other parts of the US, an unprecedented number of shows have sold out in the first 24 ours of tickets becoming available in cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York and Houston.
In London, more than 30,000 tickets were sold in the first 24 hours of ticket sales opening. This eclipsed the ticket sales for Harry Potter and the Lord Of The Rings. And the ticket sales show no signs of slowing down.
In Japan, more than $1 million in tickets were recorded as being sold in the first 24 hours of their release. This was a new advanced sales record set.
In Thailand, fans queued at ticket counters throughout Bangkok resulting in tickets for the first shows being sold out in one day.
So what is the movie about? The movie will provide Jackson fans with a rare behind-the-scenes look at Michael Jackson as he prepared and developed his concerts that would have taken place this summer in London's O2 Arena. It records the months from March to June 2009 and is drawn from more than one hundred hours of footage including Michael rehearsing some of the songs for the concert. The film is produced by Randy Phillips, Kenny Ortega and Paul Gongaware.
So even after death, Michael Jackson is still setting records; still entertaining his fans and still creating news headlines around the world. The King Of Pop continues to live on and so will his memory, for many, many years to come.

How To Find Out Exactly What Kind Of Cancer Someone Has by Melanie Haiken

Your first instinct will be to want to know what you're up against -- and getting the most accurate and specific diagnosis enables the patient to get the best possible treatment.
You may find yourself wanting to get on the Internet and research the cancer, and to do that you'll need to know not only the type, but the stage, perhaps the subtype, and other information such as whether it's "in situ," which means the cells are limited to one spot, or "invasive," which means it has spread or has the potential to spread.
Within many general types of cancer, such as How do I get the doctor to give us complete and honest information? It may be that you need to do some research and then schedule a follow-up phone call in which you can ask additional questions. Remember, this is the beginning of an ongoing relationship between you as caregiver, the patient, and her doctor, and you can always come back to request additional information.
Although it's possible that the doctor has run every possible test and still can't locate the original cancer, there's also a chance he stopped short of conducting the full range of tests. These can include immunohistochemistry analysis, CT scans, MRIs and bone scans, blood tests for markers such as CA-125 (which suggests MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. You might even want to send slides to more than one pathologist -- in a case like this, the more information you have, the better off you are.

วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Basic types of home foundation repair by RichardFinney

You may be need foundation repair if there is cracks in exterior walls or foundation walls or interior walls or ceilings of your home, or if there is sunken interior concrete floors, bowed or buckled foundation walls, or if the doors or windows of your home does not open or close properly. Improper foundation settling is the main factor responsible for the need of going for foundation repairs. The basic types of home foundation repairs are always used in residence or commercial property based on the age and style of the house, soil conditions of the property and goals of the house owner. There are various methods of doing foundation repair. Cement, steel, stone or wood were used widely in past techniques. But these methods were found to be ineffective. Two of the most successful ways of foundation repairs are slab jacking and the Piering method or hydraulic jacking. Slab jacking involves adding grout beneath a slab or beam. But the amount of sand must be perfect while adding grout. Piering method or hydraulic jacking involves driving steel posts through unstable soil and using Hydraulic jacks to stabilize weakened concrete slabs. Piers are installed to support your home from further damage if your home foundation has some problems. The two main types of piers used for foundation repair are , * friction piers * point bearing piers. The three advanced methods of home foundation repair are * Concrete press piling: Concrete pressed piling involves drilling or pouring concrete piers. The method involves drilling holes to a depth of 9-12 feet below the surface, and then filling with reinforcing steel and concrete. The method further involves topping concrete spacers and shims over the poured concrete. * Steel press piling :Steel press piling method involves settling hollow steel piles in the ground through a rotary press-in method. Steel press piling method is considered as the best method as it provides long lasting support. * Bellbottom piers : Bellbottom pier home foundation repair method involves drilling a hole in the ground, belling it at the bottom, pouring concrete into the hole, and then using that to lift off of. Once you doubt or detect home foundation damage, you must contact a home foundation repair contractor immediately for your home foundation inspection and repair cost estimate. The home foundation repair contractors will assess the foundation damage after initial inspection of the foundation. They will then determine the method and time period needed to repair the foundation damage. The home foundation repair contractors will finally calculate the foundation repair cost by considering several factors such as labor cost, type of material used for repairing the foundation damage, and the cause of the damage. Houston Home Repair contractors provides excellent home foundation repair. In fact, Houston Home Repair serves as an industry leader in home foundation repair. Houston Home Repair service providers install only drilled, steel reinforced, cast-in-place concrete piers. Some Houston home repair service providers like American Services, starts their expertise work by doing a thorough interior and exterior inspection of your home for determining the cause and extent of damage faced by the foundation of your home. They consider all aspects of construction of the foundation of your home. This is to design the appropriate solution for your foundation problems. They not only repair foundations, but also build new foundations and all types of concrete construction.

Government Mortgages and You by Houston Tx Appraiser

While it's true that mortgage rates are really low right now, many people are afraid of taking on any new debts in the current economic situation. It's true that it's a little more difficult now, but if you really want to finance your new home, you can get financing. There are various options available to you as you help buyers find a mortgage.Advise buyers to deal with their financing before you spend significant time looking at homes.Start Early Getting your ducks in a row regarding your mortgage before making an offer on the property has always been a good idea, and today it's critical. If you have any loan or other financial blunders hiccups to iron out, they better have more time. If your clients get pre-qualified early in the game, they'll have some idea of what kind of mortgage they can get. Can you recall Government Programs?Although "exotic" mortgages are no longer available, a good deal of government-backed lenders are still offering more conventional loans. People who do not have flawless credit or who can't come up with a 10% down paymentare exactly those that these programs are meant to help. Many state housing departments enable you to search for home-buyer assistance programs in the city or county where your clients are looking for homes. Naturally, you should always steer first time buyers to the State First Time Buyers Programs if this is at all possible. Just a reminder there is a FHA loans in the federal programs. Demand evidenceInsist on written evidence indicating their monetary condition, from the customers, for consideration of loan by the financial organization. Have them gather bank statements, pay stubs, tax returns, other debt statements and any other documents that relate to their finances. It's not necessary for them to tell all their secrets, but they need to understand that they will have to produce theses documents for any lending institution.Who Do They Know?The internet is a great source for information, but sometimes it pays to deal with local businesses. Your buyers may be better served by the credit union where they have a car loan. Suggest that they try their own bank or local lending institution before applying online.More info at professional home appraisals in Houston, Texas.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552


sports-odds.com is issuing a nfl odds alert on september 16th, 2009 at 9:05 pm est on the nfl week 2 game between the houston texans vs tennessee titans. the opening betting line was the tennessee titans -7? (-110). currently, the best place to bet the nfl odds on the titans is at online sportsbook sbg global, you can get tennessee -6? (-110 odds). the best place to bet the nfl odds on the texans is at sportsbook.com, you can get houston +6? (-110 odds). "steve played good football for us last year," stated houston texans head coach gary kubiak about running back steve slaton. "we've struggled as a team throughout the preseason and week one running the football. it's been an issue for us so we've got to get a lot better, and there's no tougher place to do it than coming there to play (there)." the opening houston texans vs tennessee titans total was 41 points. the best place to bet the over is at bodog.com, you can get the texans vs titans over 40 points. the best place to bet the under is at betus.com, you can get houston vs timberland shoes tennessee under 41 points. all our focus is on winning the game. it's not on losing the game," staed tennessee titans head coach jeff fisher about getting his team focused to play the houston texans in week 2 after losing the 2009 nfl season opener last thursday to the pittsburgh steelers. "our attention is to play better than we played last week. if we can do that, we'll have a good chance to win." over is 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. underdog is 8-3 ats in their last 11 meetings. texans are 1-5 ats in their last 6 meetings. titans are 9-0 ats in their last 9 games in september. titans are 12-3 ats in their last 15 vs. afc south. bet like professional sports bettors do on every game, simply compare nfl odds on timberland shoes every game timberland shoes on the board before placing your next wager. the houston texans are playing the tennessee titans on september 20th, 2009 and kickoff is at 1:05 pm est at tennessee.

Thefts and Criminal Law by Jane Cooper

Theft is considered to be a serious crime. Theft in legal terms means the intent to take another person’s belonging without the consent of that person who is the owner of that property or belonging. If there is no intend it does not fall under the category of theft. Theft is also said to have occurred when someone either receives or accepts property even when it is within one’s knowledge.
The illustration is that if somebody puts or places some items in another person’s carry bag of which that person is not aware of or does not have any knowledge about it. In this case that another person in whose carry bag the items were placed should not be held responsible for theft. The reason for that another person not being held responsible for theft is because that person never intended to take the items but in fact the items were placed by someone else.
Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer
In above circumstances where one is innocent and has committed theft, the best way to defend would be to engage a Houston Criminal Lawyer. Engaging a Houston theft Criminal Lawyer would help the person to present the case successfully and effectively. Moreover, the lawyer would be able to explain the situation properly. A good Houston theft Criminal Lawyer will discuss the whole case with the person in detail. The person should always tell the truth to the lawyer.
Theft crimes in Houston
Theft crimes in Houston include:
1. Fraud
2. Forgery
3. Shoplifting
4. Theft by check
5. Employee theft
6. Insurance theft
7. Possession of the stolen property
If one is convicted of any one of these crimes one can face harsh penalties. The penalties will vary depending on the value of what has been stolen as well as other circumstances. Thus the value of the stolen property will be the main measure in deciding penalty.
Depending on value alone, the penalties which one could face are as below:
If one is convicted of stealing the property:
* For the value less than $50, one could be facing a class C misdemeanor * For the value between $50-$500, one could be facing a class B misdemeanor * For the value between $100,000-$200,000, one could be facing second degree felony * For the value $200,000 or more, one could be facing a first degree felony. * For the value between $500-$1500, one could be facing a class A misdemeanor * For the value between $20,000-$100,000, one could be facing a third degree felony * For the value between $1,500-$20,000, one could be facing the state jail felony
In Houston there are many Houston Criminal Defense Attorneys and Law Firms. One can engage Houston Criminal Defense lawyer who will handle the case in a proper manner.

วันเสาร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Houston Foreclosed Homes - What are the Unique Features and Tips on Buying Houston Foreclosures? by Fiona Livnat

The most important city in the state of Texas, Houston is known as one of the best residential areas in America. Now with thousands Houston foreclosed homes available at nearly half of their actual prices buying a home in this city has never been such an attractive deal.
Unique features of Houston foreclosed homes
This dynamic and culturally diverse city has various unique features as listed below that makes it a great place to buy a foreclosed property:
* Most livable city - With its strong job growth and broad based economy the city has been voted as the "Best City to Live" by Kiplinger's Personal Finance and has also been called "America's booming opportunity city" by The American Magazine.
* Affordable housing - Ranked as the "Best City to Buy a Home" by Forbes, the real estate values in this region are the most competitive and one can find some great bargain deals through Houston foreclosed homes at prime locations in the city.
* Prime healthcare facilities - One of the major reasons for the popularity of the city amongst visitors and the residents is its top notch health care facilities including the Texas Medical Centre which is home to some of the best medical care in the world.
* Boating capital - If you and your family enjoy water sports buying a property through Houston foreclosed homes will be a great choice with residential communities including League City, Clear Lake City, Clear Lake Shores, Nassau Bay, Seabrook and Taylor Lake Village.
Important tips on buying
As Houston foreclosed homes can mostly be purchased directly from the selling parties without involving a real estate agent the following tips will be useful in making a safe and secure purchase:
1. Doing an intensive internet research for foreclosures is a good way to begin your search.
2. You can subscribe to an online listing service at a nominal fee in order to get the latest information on properties suiting your requirements.
3. By comparing prices of different properties online you can find the best deals on Houston foreclosed homes.
4. Getting a pre approved mortgage can improve your chance of securing a deal with the selling party.
5. Always inspect the neighborhood and the property closely and consider the renovation costs as well as the facilities available in the region before making a final offer through Houston foreclosed homes. Summary The unique features of buying a property through Houston foreclosed homes include being the most livable city, affordable housing, prime healthcare facilities and boating capital. Important tips for buying a foreclosure successfully are to search the internet intensively, subscribe to a listing service, compare prices, get a pre-approved mortgage and inspect the neighborhood and the property before making a final offer.

วันพุธที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

body bug poltroon the trouble with harry lady gaga vma pictures hells kitchen by Roger.Smithson10@gmail.com Video Creation Uploading Service Roger.S

Below are some of the terms which are very hot as many people are looking out information on them.This gives an idea like what people really are interested in.body bug body bugg, bodybugg, biggest loser, biggest loser season 8, biggest loser 2009 poltroon poltron, poltroon definition, dicanary, math questions and answers, median definition the trouble with harry john forsythe, the trouble with harry movie, asesino del zodiaco, egyptian mau cat, gotta kick it up lady gaga vma pictures lady gaga pictures, lady gaga vma fashion, lil mama crashes jay z performance, lady gaga vma s, lil mama on stage with jay z hells kitchen hells kitchen 2009, hells kitchen season 6, hells kitchen episodes, hells kitchen schedule, hells kitchen season 5 kate gosselin new hair kate gosselin, kate gosselin on the view, kate gosselin hair, kate gosselin new haircut, the view admonish admonished, admonish definition, rebuke definition, rebuke, admonishingvma incident video vma incident, stabbing at coral gables high school, kanye west vma taylor swift, amv awards, kanye swift vma video raymond clark yale raymond clark, annie le, raymond clark annie le, raymond clark middletown ct, raymond clark myspace admonish definition admonishing definition, admonished, admonish, admonished definition, admonishes rebuke rebuke definition, admonish, admonished, rebuking, rebukesedline edline net, edlin, edline.com login, ed line, hungrygirljennifer hromadka raymond clark yale, raymond clark, raymond clark annie le, annie le, raymond clark middletown ct obama calls kanye a jackass video obama calls kanye a jackass audio, obama calls kanye a jackass, kanye west vma taylor swift, president calls kanye a jackass, kanye west vma taylor swift video biggest loser biggest loser 2009, biggest loser season 8, biggest loser season 7, biggest loser diet, biggest loser season 6 big brother finale big brother 11 winner, big brother finale, big brother finale 2009, big brother finale time, big brother 11 finale time lil mama apology jay z on lil mama, did obama call kanye west a jackass, jay z reaction to lil mama, lil mama and jay z, kanye west drunk vma kevin jonas dead kevin jonas death, kevin jonas died, kevin jonas, patrick swayze died, did kevin jonas die biggest loser season amanda beardvideo of kanye west vma taylor swiftacorn videoshank baskett releasedomnituremore to love finalelil boosie super bad albumthe xdefine admonishharry potter theme parkfred cusickjoe wilson resolutionbleach english subpresident obama kanye westray clarkhells kitchen season gotta kick it upphilippe de la noyewhat does admonish meanbiggest loser meal planmeredith foxkanye west jay leno interviewtryna middletondrake official websiteraymond clark annie lewhitney houston interview with oprah part tresa kaelkeannie le autopsy resultsamerica s got talent finalsVisit http://newscandals.blogspot.com for latest Video News Latest Scandals Gossipstapewormjuan carlos rivera coral gablesromell broomyale student murderedjessica simpson dog coyoteedline netrun this town tonight lyricsif heaven and hell decide they are both satisfied lyricsjay z mad at beyonceteresa giudicejaycee dugard nowfantasy football week projectionsabby rikemarvel ultimate alliance cheatsquizletbored to deathmexican independence day historysan gennaro festival las vegaspittsburgh penguinsbiggovernmentpete newman taney countycoral gables high school stabbingjuggernaut codecrop circles acorn obamaannie le lab technicianadobe omnitureroger federer outburstone tree hill season episode full episodeweek nfl predictionskanye memesprint family locator loginzune hd reviewdefine rebukehofstra universityacorn san bernardinochonda piercejessica pachecothe viewpatrick swayze funeralbelleville bus beatingmichael jordan hall of fame speech texttaylor swift on the view youtubebelleville west bus fightgartrell johnsonblueprint first week saleshell s kitchen september hank baskett and kendra wilkinsonbob harpergormagonLatest news from Newscandals.blogspot.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

A Look at Properties in Houston by Richard Hewitt

Houston, Texas is attracting an ever-increasing number of new residents, resulting in a boom in the buying home and land industry in this part of the country. This growing industry is attracting new builder's as well, so competition for customers if fierce.
When buying properties the first thing to do is research. Especially if you are buying a property on a place that you are not familiar with.
If you are interested in buying home and land in Houston Texas then you do some research first on how there real state venture is done. Ask some friends from that place and gather as much information about the kind of houses that is built, the cost of construction and real state in that place.
In this way you will be able to project a tentative financial figure on how much you are about to pay and if the expenses are going to fit into your budget.
Before buying home and land in Houston Texas, you should have to consider first on how to get the best possible home for your money - one that is not just the best for your self but for your family as well, your community and your planet.
I may sound a little bit ecological in here but people in Texas are just like that. Here in Texas everyone just have the legacy of protecting their natural resources. So make keep in mind that green in Texas does not only mean money but the land as well.
You should also consider the housing price in a certain area before making a decision in buying home and land in there. In Houston, Texas the median home price ranges from $126,500.00 to 129,200.00 with a yearly increase of 2.10% based on the study conducted from the first quarter of 2002 up to the first quarter of 2003.
But probably it will be much higher this year due to the pour down of evacuees that were victims of flash floods brought by hurricane Katrina. Some of these evacuees may build there permanent homes in here, making it more competitive to buy home and land in Houston, Texas.
Buying land and home in Houston Texas is just the same as buying land in other states when it comes to the basics of real state.
Just follow the basics of buying home and land and you will surely land down on a good deal. Always make sure that before purchasing such properties you have already seen and inspected the state. Check if everything is in order.
Especially on the legal papers make sure that the right documents are given to you. Legal issues are a big burden when worse cases arise and it can cost you a big lump of money too, so check first before buying.
Consult with property attorneys and lawyers for this kind of matter, usually different states have different laws regarding ownership of land and properties. This thing may cost you a bit, but can save you a great deal of burden in the future.
Also check out the neighborhood before buying, is this kind of environmental lifestyle good for you and your family? Is it a safe place for your children to grow up?
When it comes to finances also make sure that everything is on the budget. But if ever things do not fit there are other options that you can use like housing loans which is a very popular thing these days.
Applying for a loan is easy as long as you have a good credit records. Those with bankruptcy record may have a hard time applying for one.
I am not saying that people with bad credit record cannot have housing loans they can but may take a little bit longer process than those people that have a good one. You can check out the internet for some loan listing in Houston if you are not from there.
Just remember that when buying home and land in Houston Texas you should have to be careful on so many promising promotions, it is much better to get somebody who is good and trained in this profession than to do it by yourself. Get somebody locally and who is familiar with the things around Texas.
House buying is great as long as you don't stress out too much, stressed minds cant think well so take some time to relax when your there, Texas is great get-away place so roam around and get to know it better, this maybe your home soon anyway.

วันพุธที่ 2 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Global Logistics Management by kilian

Logistics impacts all spheres of modern business operations. As per 2007 official data, logistics grossed over $100 billion in the United States alone. As businesses are witnessing an international makeover, logistics services have also widened their scope of services. This had led the international transporters to roll out global logistics management services. The global logistics management concept ensures high-quality management and customized services while delivering goods to any international destination.
Understanding Global Logistics ManagementGlobal logistics management is an integral part of the supply chain management system. The mantra for global logistics management solutions is to globalize logistics while localizing services. It simply means connecting logistics operations through a worldwide network while developing a localized approach in customer-oriented services. The centralized business process system of logistics companies ensures high-quality services and overcoming of constraints related to worldwide operations. Localized services ascertain that the benefits of the global outlook trickle down to the customers. This also results in less complex business processes and a proactive customer care approach.
In an effort to provide comprehensive transportation solutions to customers, logistics companies maintain worldwide infrastructure. Such huge infrastructure is central to global logistics management. Logistics companies have been able to develop international range of services through:
1.Offices at all strategic business and transportation locations2.Relationship with global and local transporters3.Understanding laws governing international transport4.Use of information and communication technology5.Agreements with local and international bodies governing international transport6.Developing global distribution channels
Global Logistics Management: BenefitsThe consolidated approach of global logistics management towards goods delivery leads to enhanced cost benefits for clients. As companies are integrating logistics operations, the overall costs as well as the risk factors are mitigating. Other major advantages include quick delivery of consignment, the ability to track orders real time and lesser processing hassles.
The Australia-headquartered company Skelton Sherborne offers global logistics management services to international clients. With offices at Brisbane, Melbourne, Fremantle, Houston, Amsterdam and Yokohama, Skelton Sherborne assures quality worldwide services at competitive prices. For more information on global logistics management services, you can visit the company website at www.skeltonsherborne.com

วันอังคารที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Texas Danger Zones, Why You May Need a Texas Injury Lawyer by Ms. Smith

Texas is the second largest state in size, trailing only behind Alaska. The two largest metro areas in Texas are Houston and Dallas-Fort Worth. With such large masses of people in these cities, there is a lot of congestion on the roads. Texas is a beautiful, diverse state full of opportunity and adventure; however, it can also pose many driving obstacles. Many times large cities are labeled "concrete jungles" because of the massive buildings, roads, and people inhabiting them. It can be a stressful place to operate on a daily basis, since the risk of serious injury or death on Texas roads is higher than most places. The outcomes of these accidents can be shocking.
They say when you're in Texas, that the "Eyes of Texas are upon you." When you are driving on the roads of Texas, that statement couldn't be truer. Rush hour in Houston and Dallas-Fort Worth is full of congested highways, interstates, and overpasses. Sometimes the roads look more like a stand-still parade than an expressway. Whoever coined the phrase "rush hour" was spot on. An unfortunate consequence of high traffic areas is high accident potential. Everyone has experienced just such an event where people are rushing from work or home, driving riskier than they should because they are in a hurry. This can lead to accidents with serious injuries and even death. In light of these obvious but often overlooked facts, drivers in Texas should take time to research Texas injury lawyers (http://hartlaw.com/Practice_Areas/20/Fort_Worth/Lawyer/Personal_Injury), so they can be fully prepared in the event of a serious or life altering car accident.
Car accidents involving 18 wheelers or other large vehicles are very visible in metro areas like Houston and Dallas-Fort Worth. Both cities have large oil based economies and it shows with all the traffic on the roads. Trucks alone can cause many accidents, but when there are flammable goods on board being transported, that can lead to catastrophic outcomes. In the event of any accident, you may need to hire a Fort Worth 18 wheeler accident attorney (http://hartlaw.com/Practice_Areas/22/Fort_Worth/Lawyer/Truck_Accidents) to be sure of your rights on the road. All drivers make mistakes, but when you're driving an 18 wheeler, your mistake can mean your life, or someone else's. A University of North Texas student was killed in 2008 when an 18 wheeler fell off an interstate ramp and fell right on top of her car, the driver of the truck was also killed. Additionally, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) every sixteen minutes a person is killed or sustains injuries in accidents involving 18 wheelers, tractor trailers or semi trucks. This is a staggering statistic and in Texas, with more trucks on the road and a greater population than most states, there is definitely cause for concern.
This article was not intended to prevent you from entering and enjoying large metro areas in Texas, it was intended to make you more aware of your surroundings. Commuters need to go the speed limit and not tail gate when traveling. Additionally, 18 wheelers need to be extra cautious because if they wreck, their mass alone poses a greater threat to all vehicles that surround them. If everyone makes safety a more important priority, injuries and deaths will hopefully be less frequent.

วันพุธที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

"Annie" Rates as One of the Most Uplifting, Harrowing and Positive Broadway Musicals Ever by Ed Bagley

Copyright © 2009 Ed Bagley
Annie - 4 Stars (Excellent)
"Annie" is certainly one of the most uplifting, harrowing and positive Broadway musicals in movie history.
Even if you did not see Annie as a moviegoer, you would recognize the key words to its award-winning signature song "Tomorrow": "The sun'll come out Tomorrow, so you gotta hang on till Tomorrow. Come what may. Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love ya, Tomorrow. You're only a day away".
Based on Thomas Meehan's musical score of the enormously successful stage play, and Carol Sobieski's screenplay, Annie was directed by John Houston in his first and last effort directing a movie musical. None of their talent was wasted.
A tip of the hat to Carol Sobieski's effort with the screenplay, as I believe her feminine touch had much to do with the finished product. Annie is reminiscent of Harold Gray's comic strip Annie, but there was nothing from the original comic strip that could have been used in the musical. Sobieski also wrote "Fried Green Tomatoes".
Set in the depths of The Great Depression of the 1930s, Annie's life among orphans in miserable conditions changes dramatically when she is selected to spend a week in the mansion of Oliver Warbucks, a wealthy munitions industrialist driven only by making money and intent on polishing his capitalist image.
Annie (played superbly by Aileen Quinn) becomes an immediate attention-getter and an irresistible force by being simple and unassuming in a situation of opulence, power and influence dominated by Daddy Warbucks (Albert Finney is at his best in this role). She wins the hearts of everyone in the house plus Grace Farrell (Ann Reinking), Warbucks' right-hand assistant.
Despite everyone's growing affection for Annie's childlike simplicity, Daddy Warbucks' move to adopt Annie encounters a trauma as Annie is only concerned about eventually finding her parents so she can be part of a real family.
Enter the severe, unkind orphanage proprietor Miss Hannigan (an excellent character-acting performance by the one and only Carol Burnett), her brother and bad guy Rooster Hannigan (Tim Curry) and his girlfriend Lily St. Regis (Bernadette Peters). They conspire to kidnap Annie and Rooster tries to kill her. After some tense moments during great filmmaking, Daddy Warbucks' capable enforcer Punjab (Geoffrey Holder) comes to the rescue.
Do not miss the role of fellow orphan Molly (played by Toni Ann Gisondi), the helicopter Daddy Warbucks flies around in, and the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes. Both Carol Burnett and Aileen Quinn were nominated for Best Actress Golden Globe Awards.
The original stage play Annie premiered in 1977, won the Tony Award for the Best Musical the same year, and closed in 1983 after 2,377 performances. Annie hit the big screen in 1982, and remains a classic among Broadway's musicals. The rights to Annie were sold in 1978 for $9.5 million ($30+ million in today's dollars), a record that still stands.
Annie is everything that is good and right about a Broadway musical that becomes a movie. Annie teaches the adults around her about the importance of love, family, thoughtfulness, kindness, gratitude, understanding, optimism and hope, everything that was absent in her life as an orphan.

วันเสาร์ที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Facing Mars Health Museum by Vacation Finder

Discover the challenges of space travel at the Health Museum for the U.S. premiere of Facing Mars, a program scheduled to run May 30, 2009 to September 7, 2009. But, when you plan your visit, be sure to reserve a room at the luxurious Renaissance-Houston Hotel Greenway Plaza located in Houston Museum District.
You'll be glad you did because once you return from blasting off to space you will be able to enjoy the comfort of luxurious rooms or wind down at the hip Houston, Texas hotel bar.
Since our hotel in Houston Museum District is located near downtown Houston, you'll be able to enjoy all that downtown offers. This Museum District hotel in Houston offers complimentary transportation within three miles, making site-seeing, shopping, and travel around Houston more convenient and pleasurable. However, if you prefer your own transportation, Enterprise Car Rental is nearby.
For those who need to mix a little business with pleasure, this Houston museum district hotel is equipped with business services, including copy and fax services, network/internet printing, notary public, overnight delivery/pickup, and post/parcel. As you can see this is a full service business center conveniently located in the Renaissance Houston Hotel Greenway Plaza.
The Renaissance Houston Hotel Greenway Plaza is a AAA Four-Diamond, ENERGY STARS labeled luxury hotel that will enhance your vacation experience. Join the Marriott in May when you visit at The Health Museum for the U.S. premiere of Facing Mars, and let the Renaissance Houston Hotel Greenway Plaza help you blast off to a great vacation.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Houston Life Insurance - Bigger is Sometimes Better by Scott Thiltgen

Do you and your family enjoy your Houston way of life? Are you interested in helping your family maintain that way of life even in the event of your death? If so, you should contact your insurance agent for information about life insurance and Texas today. They can present you with valuable information about the different types of policies that may be available to you, what your best option might be and how best to budget for it on the income that you have today. Life insurance is not a luxury, it is your legacy. What you leave behind to the people you love can help spare them undue stress and anxiety in a time when they need it least.
The fact about life insurance is pretty simple. Making sure that your family has the level of coverage that they would need in order to keep leading the lifestyle that you have developed for them is one of your most important responsibilities. An insurance agent can help talk you through the different options that are available and help you find an insurance company that you feel safe entrusting your family's future to. Many people have the mistaken notion that life insurance is something that only the rich get to enjoy. The reality is that every person is worth insuring, no matter what his or her net worth.
If the measure of a man is the people that he leaves behind in death, then that is a good place to start in determining how much coverage you will need. In some cases bigger really is better. This holds true about Houston Life Insurance .The bigger the policy that you carry, the more provided for your loved ones will be. An Houston Insurance broker can help you figure out how much insurance you can afford and find the least expensive way to leave the most money to your family. No man or woman should neglect to get a life insurance policy.
Single, married, young, old there is a policy that is just right for you. To learn more about Life Insurance In Houston,contact your local insurance broker. They will collect information about your lifestyle, health and income and help develop a great financial plan for the future that will protect your loved ones and your assets. No matter how young or old you are, life insurance is the best investment that you can make for your family.

Reasons to Visit San Antonio, Texas by David H. Urmann

With vast lands and military presence, you might think San Antonio, Texas is a dull place. Read on and discover why millions of tourists visit this city annually.
San Antonio is the second largest Texan city and seventh largest in the United States. It is the gateway to the American Southwest. It is home to over 1.3 million people and attracts about 26 million visitors and tourists annually.
There are plenty of military installations here in the city. Lackland Air Force Base, Fort Sam Houston, Brooks City-Base, and the Randolph Air Force Base and the Kelly Air Force Base are just some of San Antonio's military outposts. These are however only part of San Antonio's fame. With its rich cultural heritage, obviously Hispanic, San Antonio is a fascinating place to visit.
Paseo del Rio or the River Walk, is a creative genius of the 1920's. This network of walkways runs along the San Antonio River and is one level down the main streets of downtown San Antonio. Built as an alternative to a paved over walkway over the San Antonio River, architect Robert Hugman designed a plan toward both commercial development and flood prevention. The result is an intricate pedestrian street a step below downtown San Antonio's vehicles street now lined with bars, cafes and shops, forming an important part of the city's urban life.
The Six Flags Fiesta Texas is a seasonal theme part sitting on a 200-acre land in an old San Antonio quarry. Taking almost two years to construct, this theme park is more than just rides and fireworks display. With the White Water Bay, its water theme park, music shows and laser shows at nights, it is a truly different amusement experience for people young and old. The Fiesta Texas' themes and parks are renovated periodically for a fresh new look and feel.
The SeaWorld San Antonio is another reason tourists flock to this city. This marine-life themed park located on the Westover Hills is part of the SeaWorld chain. The world's largest of its kind, the SeaWorld San Antonio plays host to an annual Halloween party called Howl-O-Scream. This annual Halloween event features Jack the Pumpkin King along with Hunted Houses and Scare Zones for a spooky fun and thrill.
SeaWorld's shows use top of the line 4D graphics and animation in giant screens for an even realistic feel. Locals and tourists alike, young and old, first timers or old timers, all love the shows.
The McNay Art Museum is a hub for art buffs in Texas. Built in 1950, it is the first modern art museum in all of Texas. American art teacher and painter Marion Koogler McNay is credited for this museum. Her 24-room mansion of a Spanish Colonial Revival style sitting on a 23-acre of land with broad lawns, a Japanese-inspired pond and garden and landscaped fountains was half of her original bequest.
The other half is her extensive and important art collection. The museum's collection now include 19th and 20th century American and European art pieces from famous artists like Pablo Picasso and Diego Rivera. Now at about 14, 000 art pieces, the McNay Art Museum's collection is the finest of Contemporary Art and Culture in the US Southwest.
The people of San Antonio, Texas have plenty to be proud of. Apart of its rich cultural heritage and diverse population and its wealthy oil industry which saw millionaires among them, one of NBA's more successful teams in the league's history calls it home. The San Antonio Spurs is a Texan attraction themselves.

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552


Houston Web design is committed to revamping the Internet and website itself is an important marketing tool so, given below are ways for developing it.

A professional web designer is to be employed to enhance the look and feel of your website. The website will be the primary point of communication connecting you and your customer. The sturdy part of any company or business is stimulating attention and traffic. The website must be proficiently designed as it makes a lot of difference when your web design is volunteered.

In Houston, the web designer in no way use a Splash Page that has some form of image or animation and is employed like a door to enter a website. The web designing must be that enhanced that it immediately gives significant content to the visitors of your website. Great emphasis should be given to your Products, Services, & Contact Information and must draw attention to them instantaneously. Avoid using barriers to prevent browsers from receiving what they are actually finding for. Constantly make an attempt to give information within minimum clicks to the visitor.

The web designing in Houston provide contact information substantially along with the phone number and email address to each & every page of the website design which will avail the browsers to contact as soon as they locate what they are looking for. Keep in mind, a Web site offers you with reliability, exceptionality and authenticity. Remember to attach contact information to the main real estate on the website to make it easy to strike upon.

A popper is to be offered as your website may be a remarkable means for creating a consumer database. A successful website must be elegant and customer focused. Actualize a form on your homepage that coherent something like, "Enter name and email address for our free newsletter", or "20% off coupon on our products or services". The small forms in the Homepage will accumulate consumer email addresses and provide you with authorization that you can promote to in the future.

The web designing in Houston focus mainly on core proficiency and gain the best to do the rest. Concentration on content part is an important task. Website design should hold abundant numbers of text based content so that it can be indexed by the main search engines. Keyword phrases are to be used often while building the paragraphs and text based navigation must be used to enable the search engines to recognize what your links say. With a very little work, your site moves up the ranks in Google. There are many ways to set your web design; the key is to strike upon that difference and use it to set up and communicate an advantage for your consumer.

วันจันทร์ที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Houston Tours by E J Jolivet

Not every Houston tour can give a you a nostalgic architectural view of how Houston looked during the Victorian era at the turn of the century, the roaring 20's and the fabulous 50's in a single day. But, the tour of the Historic Heights gives you more than that, it's warmth gives you a feeling of how the one-time small town was merged and morphed into one of the largest cities in the South. The Home Tours The first Saturday of every month the city's best known neighborhood kicks open it's doors, to the community, for the Heights First Saturday tour. The Houston tour takes you to see some of the eclectic architecture that dominate the streets near downtown Houston. The Heights, are appropriately named because of its elevation, that's almost 23 feet higher than downtown Houston. The area offered it's first residents a promise of a sanctuary of health and well-being. Businesses on The Houston Tour The tranquil journey takes visitors to an array of small antique shops, clothing boutiques and specialty restaurants that thrive along the boulevards and streets in the area. Many of them operate out of former Victorian style homes built in the early parts of the 20th century. Many of the antique stores are located along 19th street. You'll be enamored by the trendy chic fashion stores and cozy restaurants interspersed throughout the bustling neighborhood. Facts About The Historic Heights The Heights, is one of the States first planned communities. It's original inhabitants included Indians, led by Chief Canos of the Orcoquisacs, who controlled most of this area. Since the 1890's the Heights has become a place where successful entrepreneurs and other hard working people live and work, as a community. The majority of these current young, new residents are not moving to Houston Heights to build new homes but to restore the historic homes built by others. They are part of a national trend to buy old houses with all its charm and architectural distinction and restore it. The sightseeing route is too far to walk, so a plush trolley carries you past places that despite their whimsical names are rich with old school southern charm. Fast food franchises and major retailers take a back seat in this community, where laid-back owners operate their own businesses and know most of the customers by name. The Trolley Route The sightseeing route is too far to walk, so a plush trolley carries you past places that despite their whimsical names are rich with old school southern charm. Fast food franchises and major retailers take a back seat in this community, where laid-back owners operate their own businesses and know most of the customers by name. The Houston tour through this historic area is only held from 11- 4:00 pm. The excursion last approximately 30-40 minutes roundtrip depending on the pace of the visitors. That's just enough time to browse, shop, or grab a bite to eat and decide which of the quirky and offbeat places you'll like to inspect on your next Houston tour.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Perform Umrah? by Dar Al-Islam

How to Perform Umrah? What are the Umrah Rituals?
The following article is an excerpt from Hajj and Umrah According to Quraan and Sunnah, published by Dar A-Islam, a fully-licensed Hajj and Umrah agent in Houston, Texas.
Ritual 1
When performing Umrah, before entering the Holy City of Makkah, you should be in Ihram.
Enter the Holy Sanctuary (al Masjid al Haram), preferably right foot first through the Bab As-Salam gate, reciting the Talbiyah:
'Here I am O Allah, (in response to Your call), here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise, grace and sovereignty belong to You. You have no partner.'
You may then say: "In the name of Allah, may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, forgive me my sins and open to me the doors of Your mercy. I seek refuge in Allah the Almighty and in His Eminent Face and in His Eternal Dominion over the accursed Satan."
When you first see the Holy Kaaba, keep your eyes fixed on this the holiest of all structures in Islam. Standing to one side, proclaim:
"Allahu Akbar" three times. "La ilaha illa'Llah" three times.
Ritual 2
Once you started Ihram, you must verbally proclaim the intention (Niyyah) to perform Umrah, as follows:
"Labbeika Allahomma Umrah", or
"O Allah, I perform Tawaf of Umrah to please You. Make it easy for me and accept it from me."
If this Umrah you are performing on behalf of someone else, you must proclaim it in the Niyyah, for example, you would say:
"Labbeika Allahomma Umrah on behalf of my father, so Allah accept it from me."
Ritual 3
You may now begin your seven circumambula-tions, moving to the right so that you keep the Kaaba to your left, counter-clockwise, around the Kaaba.
When performing the first three circumambula-tions, men may uncover their right arm and move with quick, short steps. (This procedure is called Ramal.) The remaining four circumambulations should be performed at a normal walking pace.
PRAYERS DURING TAWAF: While performing Tawaf, there are no prescribed prayers but there are a number of supplications which are recomm-ended. You may also use the prayers that form part of your daily prayer sessions and pray to Allah in your own way in your own language.
Hijr Ismael: is a semi-circular section which originally formed part of the Kaaba but was not incorporated into the Kaaba when the Kaaba was rebuilt. You should include the Hijr Ismael in your circumambulations.
When you reach the fourth corner of the Kaaba (Rukn Yamani), touch it with your right hand or both hands and, as you walk between Rukn Yamani and the Black Stone, you may pray:
"Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati hasanatan wa qina azabin-nar".
MAQAM IBRAHIM: On completion of the seven circumambulations, you should approach Maqam Ibrahim (the Station of Ibrahim) and offer two short prayers (rakaat). Then, if it is possible, you should return to the Black Stone and touch it.
Ritual 4
You are now ready to perform the Saey, the shuttling between the two hills of Safa and Marwah.
As you approach Safa, you recite the Quranic verse: "Verily, Safa and Marwah are among the shrines of Allah".
You should now ascend Safa and, facing the Kaaba, make whatever supplication you choose. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), when he stood on Safa, proclaimed three times "Laa Ilaha Illa Allah".
You should now proceed towards Marwah, walking at a normal pace until you reach the green marker. Men, if they are able, should run until they reach the next green marker, where-upon they should revert to a normal walking pace until you reach Marwah. Women should proceed throughout at normal walking pace. The area between the two markers is where Haajar used to hear her baby Ishmael crying out of thirst while she was looking for help. She ran whenever she heard his cries. When you stand on Marwah, face the Qibla, and repeat the prayers and supplications you voiced at Safa. You are now ready to make the return journey, walking where you should walk and, if a man, running, if able, where you should run. This is your second passage.
You should now repeat the procedure until you have completed seven passages, ending your Sa'y at Marwah. While performing Sa'y, you should pray to Allah as you wish and recite verses from the Holy Qur'an.
Ritual 5
After completion of Saey, men may shave their heads or shorten/clip their hair. Women should clip their hair one or two centimeters.
If the Umrah is a precursor to performing Hajj, men may not want to shave their heads but merely clip their hair so that there will be enough hair to shave when performing Hajj.
The Umrah rituals are now concluded and the pilgrim may change into every day clothes.
The prohibitions (restrictions) on conduct during Umrah are now ended.
These rituals must be performed in order, whether Umrah is performed before, after, or during Hajj seasons. The Umrah rituals are a s subset of Hajj rituals. Most pilgrims who buy Hajj packages perform both Hajj and Umrah together. Some Hajj and Umrah programs include an adviser. You will not have to make a separate Umrah reservation when you make a Hajj reservation package.